Partnership with Amaury Bonduel has a very specific dream :
- Become a Formula l driver
To do this, he knows he can count on his talent, but that it will take work…
it does not scare him!
For that he needs … you!
Sports sponsorship has to be more than just a way to lighten your tax. It should allowyou to inform you of a newaudience, but alsoto strengthen your relationship with your current customers.
With your support, we aim to boostthe Image ofyour Company
to develop relations of ‘Business to Business1 and treat your partners.
Your advertising presence on the car and the equipment of the driver, äs well äs on team clothing and infrastructure.
Television spinoffs äs well äs in the international press, national and regional.
At 17, he has everything to score
his mark on the GPS series. In 2017 an advanced team believes in him for the title with Amaury in time äs leader.
Amaury is determined, he wants to prove he can be the best.
But for that he needs you…..!
- extreme control of the steering
- extraordinary precocity in this sport
- a calm strong powers of concentration
- fierce determination to win the race
- an amazing ability to adapt quickly to all types of racing cars
- also his Charisma
- his natural elegance
- and real kindness.
Places to participate in different events, for you or your best customers.
Days organization ‘incentives’ with co-driving.
⇔ B2B
Organization of a VIP on the tests.
These are the indispensable assets hope to become one day a great driver of international level today.
Contact us !
France : +33 601 157 075
Belgium : +32 475 583 737